Volunteer at Mukti Mission (India)!
A Volunteer Adventure to the Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission is forming!
The September 2024 Trip to Mukti Mission has been postponed indefinitely due to conditions in India.
Cost: US$ 2,210*
*We have attempted to anticipate airfare but it could change up or down by the time we make reservations
Listen to what some previous Travelers to Mukti Mission had to say about their adventure…..
Enrollment Form
The online enrollment form needs to be completed in its entirety. If you have any questions about any portion of the form or how to complete a section, please don’t hesitate to connect HERE
You will need a valid passport to travel to India. Validity will need to be until March 30th, 2025. If your passport will expire BEFORE that date, you will need to renew your passport. Information on US Passports can be obtained HERE
Cost Breakdown
The cost of the trip is the responsibility of each traveler. We are projecting the cost at $2,300 per person. More detailed information can be found by clicking the button below to see the cost details.
You will need a visa to travel to India. Information concerning this will be available in May 2024.
There will be TWO required ZOOM orientation meetings in the weeks leading up to the trip.
Debrief Interview
Each traveler will need to arrange an exit interview with the Mukti US Office upon returning to the USA.
Additional Information can be obtained from the Mukti Mission US Office.