Volunteer Costs
Prayerfully consider whether this trip is for you. Our office will support you as you seek to make this trip.
The projected cost: US$ 2,210
Round Trip Airfare (see below**)
New York City to India
$ 1,500
From Airport to Mukti and Return
$ 50
Indian Outfits (Salwar Kameez)
Women Only (4 at $20 each)
$ 80
Visa and Passport
If your passport is valid until 03/30/2025 there are no costs
Passport costs are above and beyond the visa costs
$ 80
Lodging at Mukti Mission
Plus all Meals and Water
$ 250
Mukti Project Cost
$ 250
**Airfare costs from the USA to India are unknown. They could be slightly higher than $1,500 or they could be lower. We will look for the best price that works for the Team. The other costs of the trip are locked in.
Costs Travelers Responsible for:
Passport costs (If you do not have a valid passport)
Travel to the airport in NJ
Food until you get on the plane – approx. $15
Craft items you may want to buy at Mukti Mission – approx. $50+ (up to you)
Food on the way home (except on the flight) – approx. $15
Travel from the airport in NJ to your home