FS: Sparks of Life!
Flat Sujata is a little girl who, like Flat Stanley, is as thin as a piece of paper because she got flattened by a box of mangoes. Flat Sujata moved to Mukti Mission where she loves her new life and all the friends she has made. These stories will help you understand what life is like for children at the Mission – children about the same age as YOU! We hope that you enjoy these stories of Flat Sujata and her friends so that you can pray for them every day. *Note: These stories are inspired by real-life stories from Mukti Mission.
Excited voices bounced off the walls of the Honors Academy as girls chatted about upcoming vacation time with relatives. Flat Sujata and her best friend Sami were two of these girls.

“I can’t wait to go on vacation,” said a girl named Renuka.
“Well, it’s not really vacation,” corrected Sami. “It’s more like school break with a trip to see family.”
The girls were privileged because only girls with high marks in school attended the Honors Academy. They receive tutoring in different subjects and are given extra homework time and encouragement. But not all the girls get to go visit family for vacation. Some do not have family who will care for them. Priti was one of those girls.
Priti* remained silent as the other girls clamored excitedly about their upcoming vacations.
“Why are you so quiet, Priti?” inquired Flat Sujata.
“My mother and grandfather are far away and I have no way to contact them,” Priti finally answered. “I will stay at Mukti.”
Rather than being sad-faced and pouty, Priti held her head up. She would trust the Lord to give her joy and would help the others ‘left behind’ to have fun, too. After all, He had blessed them so much in their Mission Home.
“THat’s okay, Priti,” Flat Sujata replied, “I don’t go on vacation either. And neither does Sami. We can all hang out together.”
Priti’s eyes lit up with joy!
“Plus,” remarked Sami, “It is so much more fun here. We always do fun activities.”
Every vacation time, the staff at Mukti plans exciting events for the girls to enjoy. This time there were going to be fireworks.
When vacation had started the girls could hardly wait for the next night when the fireworks would be exploded. Finally, it was dark enough to shoot the fireworks into the sky.
The air was filled with shouting and laughter as the children raced about, spinning their sparklers in the air. As rocket after rocket was fired high into the air, oohs and aahs could be heard as this wide array of exploding colors, shapes, and sounds burst above. When the fireworks ended, the smoke was so dense people could hardly see one face in front of another!

When the Honors Academy classes resumed after vacation, the girls all shared about their times with relatives. When Priti’s turn to share came, she told the girls, with great animation, about the amazing fireworks at the Mission. “Oh…and then there was the fun picnic we had in the city,” she went on.
It took a lot of maturity for Priti to have such a wonderful attitude when she felt ‘left out’ and left behind. As if the Lord wished to reward her for her attitude of faith, Priti’s grandfather was able to come and take her home for the next school vacation!
*Names changed for privacy and security. Images representative.