Abhaya and the Bathroom
Steam seemed to rise to the sky from the ground, returning from the sky only to stick to me like an unwanted blanket. Summer afternoon heat in south-central India can be brutal.
As I trudged across the Mukti Mission grounds as the sun’s rays bore down on me, I forced myself to think ahead. I was on my way to see ASbhaya*, a delightful, fun-to-be-around 8th grader I hadn’t seen for a while and wanted to spend some time with. Talking with her would be worth this sweaty walk!
Do you have friends who make you smile when you think about them? Abhaya’s like that. While gentle and sweet, she also has a spicy way about her—an air of confidence that gives a spring to her step that is joy-filled but not arrogant. Spending time with her is just plain enjoyable.
Whew! I finally arrived at the Honors Academy where Abhaya studies. This Academy was created for the girls at Mukti who take their studies seriously and want to excel educationally. Just this past year, Abhaya raised her grades high enough to make her eligible to be a part of the group.

I sit at a table under a ceiling fan in the cement building to cool off as I watch Abhaya and wait for her to finish at the computer she is energetically typing away on. Abhaya takes full advantage of her opportunities. When she arrived at Mukti, she was happy about the many privileges that surrounded her…computers being one of them. She never dreamed she would have such opportunities and she has become quite competent in her computer skills.
Why did Abhaya not dream of privileges? Her parents have very little money. Her father has physical challenges and her mom has medical problems that keep her from being able to care for Abhaya. Her life was hard.
Since she understood and had compassion for the special challenges people can face, Abhaya was placed in the Violet Family to help with Mukti’s specially challenged children. The guardian and teacher for these children welcomed Abhaya into the family, took her under her wing, and gratefully accepted her willing assistance.
The guardian speaks English quite fluently and has helped Abhaya improve in the language. When visitors come to Mukti, Abhaya enjoys having them spend time at the special school to help with the children there. She enjoys being able to converse with them in English. Abhaya makes the most of these interactions.
In a short time, Abhaya spots me and scurries over to chat with me—in English, of course! As it’s nearly vacation, I inquire if she’s going to be able to go home over the school vacation.
“Yes, Aunty,” she responds. “My father is coming to get me—but….” I wondered why the long pause. “I like seeing my dad but … there’s no bathroom in our house.”
“What an honest response!” I thought. She looked forward to seeing her father and relatives, but not having a bathroom…which was another privilege she enjoys and is thankful for at Mukti…was going to be difficult for her. Indeed, many of Mukti’s girls come from very poor families in faraway villages or big city slums. There is no running water, no bathrooms, no beds, and perhaps no tables or even chairs. Can you imagine life without such things?
Do you know the hymn Count your Blessings? Some of the words say: “Count your blessings; name them one by one. Count your many blessings; see what God has done.”
Counting our blessings is a way of giving thanks to God for His goodness.
Having a bathroom in our homes is a blessing. Having a bathroom is definitely a blessing to Abhaya.
as told by Becki Forman
*Names changed for privacy and security. Images representative.