Resident Stories
Are You My Sponsor?

Are You My Sponsor?

“Please Mr. Postman, look and see; is there a letter in your bag for me?” These lyrics from an old song remind us of the joy and excitement when a letter is received in the mail (remember mail?). It’s such a good feeling to know someone thought of us and sent a note of greetings.

This feeling is experienced at Mukti Mission in a slightly different way. Each year the LIFEgiver sponsorship team at Mukti prepares mailings for all of our LIFEgivers. Labels are printed, applied to a card, and then given to the residents to write or draw a personal message to their LIFEgiver.

The children at Mukti, after several years of sponsorship mailings, look forward to seeing if they have any new LIFEgivers and communicating with their long-serving friends in the US. As the cards are given the girls happily receive their cards and quickly memorize the name or names of their sponsors.

During the compilation process, many girls come and ask about their LIFEgiver. Will they come to visit Mukti? Will they send a note? They are keen to know all they can about their LIFEgiver. It’s like having a family member in America. The girls know that if they have a LIFEgiver, someone is praying for and supporting them. It’s a blessing and brings a smile to their faces!

One volunteer was helping some girls complete their sponsor cards. She handed out all the cards. Two girls who just arrived at Mukti began to cry. “Why are there no cards for me – I have no LIFEgiver,” they sadly stated. Because they were new, a LIFEgiver had not yet been assigned to them. The volunteer assured them that soon new sponsors would seek to sponsor them. They smiled and hoped for that day.

A volunteer with the Special Needs family began to help her girls with their writing for the cards. One resident, Shuganda* had no sponsor at the beginning of the year. Later when the volunteer handed out the cards, Shuganda had three new sponsors. Her face lit up and she said, “Three people care about me?” her mouth dropped open in joyful surprise. She grabbed her cards and hugged them to her chest. She was thrilled!

Being a LIFEgiver is important to the residents at Mukti Mission. When sponsoring, you are reaching out to the ‘least of these.’ It’s also important because it brings a smile and confidence to a child at Mukti. Thank you for being a LIFEgiver, it means so much to those at Mukti. Thank you for your prayers and support for the children at Mukti.

*Names changed for privacy and security. Images representative.

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