FS: That’s Vaishali-didi

FS: That’s Vaishali-didi

One day, Flat Sujata and her best friend Sami were playing on the new playground equipment behind the Special Needs School. They loved playing on the equipment because it was fun and because the equipment had been donated by a woman from America in memory of her husband.

As they were swinging on the swings, a woman passed by.

“Who is that lady?” inquired Sami.

“You don’t know her?” asked Flat Sujata with surprise. “That’s Vaishali-didi**.”

“So, no, I don’t know her. Who is she?”

“She’s one of the social workers.”

Flat Sujata went on to explain that a social worker helped make sure all of the residents at the Mission were properly cared for.

“How do I become a social worker?” Sami asked.

“You have to study,” giggled Flat Sujata.

“So how did Vaishali-did become a social worker?”

“She studied,” laughed Flat Sujata.

“Oh, come on. Tell me about her,” begged Sami.

“Okay,” smiled her friend.

“Where did she come from?”

“I heard she was raised in a family of faith with her two brothers and an older sister. As a child, she was very quiet. Her mother told her many Bible stories but she didn’t understand salvation.”

“Where did she study?” Sami pressed.

“She went to college and excelled in her sociology classes and went on to receive a Masters Degree in Social Work,” Flat Sujata noted.

“That sounds hard,” Sami moaned.

“Not if you study,” Flat Sujata giggled again. “Anyway, while in college, she met teachers who were different than other people Vaishali-didi knew. One couple especially intrigued her, and she wanted to know what was so different about them.”

“What was the difference?” Sami inquired.

“Jesus!” Flat Sujata beamed. “Vaishali wanted this peace and she soon accepted Jesus as her personal Savior.”

“That is so cool!”

“Yes, and after receiving Jesus as her Savior, Vaishali became more outspoken, confident, and anxious to share Jesus with others.”

“She always smiles so beautifully,” Sami proclaimed. “How did she come to Mukti?”

“After college, Vaishali came to work at Mukti as a social worker. She has also become a favored translator excelling in translating from English to Marathi or Marathi to English.”

“I think she cares deeply for us girls,” stated Sami. Flat Sujata nodded her agreement. “Does she have a family?”

“Yes. When Vaishali-didi thought of getting married, she prayed for three qualities in her husband. First, she wanted a strong believer, second that he would support her ministry work, and third that he would have no bad habits.”

“What? No children?” Sami noted with disappointment.

“They have a daughter whom they adopted. She’s in college now.”

“How do you know all of this, Flat Sujata?”

“I studied the staff directory,” laughed her friend.

**placing the word ‘didi’ at the end of a name tells you the person is an older woman to the speaker. In this case Vaishali-didi is like an aunt to Flat Sujata.

*Names changed for privacy and security. Images representative.