Leave A Legacy

Leave A Legacy

Leaving a Legacy through planned giving acknowledges the Sovereignty of God over our finances. Our responsibility is to manage His blessings in our lives in a way that glorifies His name and cares for our loved ones.

Leaving a Legacy through Estate Planning
will impact the women and children at Mukti for generations.

The smiles of hope through empowerment

Leaving a Legacy can help you:

  • Provide for your loved ones
  • Reduce taxes for you and your heirs
  • Protect your assets
  • Generate lifetime income
  • Determine the timing of asset distributions
  • Allow you to leave a lasting legacy for the women and children at the Pandita Ramabai Mukti Mission

Here are some areas where your Estate Planning should be followed up with your tax or legal advisor(s).

Beneficiary Designations

Your IRA, 401K, other retirement accounts, life insurance policy, bank or investment accounts all list beneficiaries. You can add Mukti Mission US as a beneficiary quickly, easily, and free of cost.


A legal declaration of your wishes regarding the distribution and disposal of your assets after death. You control what goes in your will. This is a simple way to remember Mukti Mission. Every person should have a will.

Charitable Gift Annuity

Funded with cash or securities, a CGA provides fixed annuity lifetime payments to you (and/or someone else you designate). Then, after you go to be with the Lord, Mukti Mission US receives the remaining balance in the CGA. A portion of your contribution is tax-deductible in the year the CGA is funded. Also, the capital gains tax on securities used to fund the CGA is reduced, and a portion of the annuity payments are tax-free.


Trusts can provide you with benefits such as tax reductions. You can also choose to provide payments to yourself or loved ones that will continue over a period of time. These legal investment vehicles hold assets for beneficiaries so they inherit from you over time. There are multiple types of trusts that you can utilize (see below). Check with your financial advisor to learn which vehicle is best for your circumstances.

Living Trust

Similar to a will but is private and allows you to avoid probate.

Charitable Remainder Trust

Funded with cash and/or other assets, now or at your death, a CRT provides income of a percentage of the value of the trust each year for the number of years you determine. After that, the remainder will go to Mukti Mission US.

Charitable Remainder Annuity Trust

Same as a Charitable Remainder Trust, but with a fixed income from the trust each year, which is determined when the trust is funded.

Charitable Lead Trust

Income from the trust goes to Mukti Mission US for a determined number of years, and afterward the remainder goes to individuals.

Donor Advised Funds

This is a simple tax-efficient (smart) method of supporting Mukti Mission! A donor-advised fund enables you to invest cash, some assets, and securities significantly increasing the impact of your investment – while reducing taxes.

DISCLAIMER:  This information is provided for informational and illustrative purposes in the realm of Estate Planning. It is not intended, nor should it be used as legal, accounting, or other professional advice. Always seek legal and tax advice from your professional advisor(s).