Beyond Words
“I’m sorry you’re so sad,” I whispered. With my arm lightly draped across Jarita’s* shoulders, I sat next to the sobbing three-year-old (who had positioned herself in the corner of the room) as tears pooled in my own eyes as well. I silently asked Jesus to comfort Jarita’s broken heart and to use me to help her. She was so tiny, so innocent . . .
Yet tragedy had burst into Jarita’s young life. Her mother had died from a terrible accident. How could Jarita possibly deal with such suffering and loss?
I knew only too well what she must be feeling. I had been there, too. My father died when I was small and my mom, unable to care for us kids in her poverty and brokenness, brought me to Mukti Mission. I felt abandoned by those closest to me and couldn’t properly handle the pain that gripped my life and left me almost unable, it seemed, to even breathe. What’s happening to me? I wondered then . . . and why?
My name is Malli* and I’m a housemother of 17 little girls at Mukti Mission. For many days after Jarita’s arrival, I found myself sitting in the corner next to her with my arm around her, cradling her head on my shoulder, wiping the tears from her cheeks. We often didn’t talk during those sad moments. I continued to trust God to speak to her, as only He can do, using me as His arms of love.
Sometimes I would softly pray aloud a short prayer by her side, thanking God that He was there with us, that He had brought her to Mukti, and that He was the giver of peace and comfort. When her tears stopped, I would gently take her by the hand and let her be with me as I did my chores, or I would take her on a little walk through Mukti’s grounds, letting the birds chirp to her, the sunshine upon her and happy children bring greetings to her.
Changes tiptoed in. Jarita spent less and less time in the corner of the room. She began to play with the other children and make friends. While not being interested in food at all, in the beginning, she developed a hungry appetite. Smiles replaced tears, a glow rose on her cheeks, and twinkles sparkled from her eyes.
I can see already that she is a very bright little girl. She attends Mukti’s English-Medium School. She grasps concepts very quickly, loves to learn, and has surprisingly good handwriting for one who is so young.
While Jarita’s family worshipped many ‘gods’ but knew nothing about the True God, at Mukti Jarita heard His Name as prayers and worship were offered. She learned to sing and pray and did so happily. I could hardly believe that this Jarita was the same one who entered my family’s door less than a year ago! Truly God was answering my prayers and giving me the joy of watching Him work in Jarita’s life . . . just like He had done in my life so many years ago (and continues to do today)!
*Names changed for privacy and security. Images representative.