Harvest Fields
This story was written by Dr. Eric Wigg in 2012 after a visit to Mukti Mission. A long-time LIFEgiver supporter, along with his wife Ruth, Eric is now at home with His Savior.
“What will we do? There’s no work for me here. How can I support our family?” Bimlish’s* husband sadly exclaimed to his wife. Sharing his concern, she asked, “What about Maharashtra? I’ve heard there are plenty of jobs there.”
With high hopes, husband, wife, and their five children gathered their meager belongings and purchased train tickets for the 1000-mile journey from their city in north India to Maharashtra in central India. However, things were not as rosy in the “promised land” as they had been led to believe. Opportunity for full-time employment was limited. Just finding a place to live was a major challenge.
Finally, work in a small sugar cane factory became available just a few miles from Mukti’s main campus. Running the canes through the crusher to squeeze out the juice and tending to the various concentrating vats was hot, tiring work from dawn to dusk for low wages. But what choice did they have?
Not long after coming to Maharashtra, Bimlish was due to deliver their sixth child. With little money and new to these unfamiliar surroundings, she was very thankful to have a kindly neighbor take her to the hospital and stay with her during labor. This neighbor extended her love to Bimlish because of her newfound faith.
Mrs. M.* trusted in Jesus through interesting circumstances. Some time previously, her husband had been seriously injured in a road accident. Those gathered around him were sure he was dead. However, people in a small church in the area prayed for his resuscitation and miraculously he was able to get up and walk home! His wife became interested in this very different faith and subsequently gave her life to Jesus.
Mrs. M. is a wonderful witness in her neighborhood. She and her family, and several other families, live in a large farmhouse owned by the landowner. Now, they have a roof over their heads, and the opportunity to hear the good news of Jesus and His love for them. Frequently a team from Mukti travels to this large house, and the pastor leads a time of sharing from the Bible followed by prayer.
My wife and I had the privilege of attending one of those meetings. As we bumped along the road between lush fields of sugar cane and other crops, with three people squeezed into the passenger seat of the tiny auto rickshaw, we were wondering what to expect. After many bumps traveling the narrow, potholed roads, we turned into a dirt driveway beside a large house. We were greeted enthusiastically by a wonderful group of people. Mrs. M. had invited friends and neighbors including Bimlish and her family. There were 13 adults and 18 children present, ready and anxious to take part in the outdoor meeting.
As the sun set behind the waving palm trees, Pastor P.* led us in several songs and prayers. What a privilege it was to share our testimonies covering our lives. As Pastor P. translated for us, attentive faces mirrored their interest.
During my testimony, I asked if anyone knew John 3:16. “Oh no,” the pastor quickly whispered, “most know nothing of the Bible and the others are very new Christians.” What a wonderful example of “fields white and ready for harvest,” I thought.
After the closing prayer, we stayed for a while. We were treated to cups of hot chai (tea with milk and lots of sugar) and assorted biscuits. As we mingled, the language barrier did not seem to matter. The children particularly enjoyed getting their pictures taken.
It was dark by this time and the stars above were bright and sparkling, clear evidence of God’s handiwork for all to see. It had been a wonderful opportunity for these people to know the Creator and understand the possibilities for them to have a personal relationship with Him.
*Names changed for privacy and security. Images representative.