What’s In A Number?
How many residents has Mukti Mission helped since its founding in 1889 (135 years)? What an interesting question, with many complications in providing an answer!

Using data from the past 15 years does not necessarily help us with the answer. The data only indicates an average of 75 women and children were admitted annually. Using this average, we calculate that over 10,000 women and children were helped, cared for, and admitted over the past 135 years.
But wait! What about the hundreds of children helped by Mukti’s Orchard Project Homes and Day Care Centers? What about the Mukti schools that teach and empower over 2,900 children daily? How about the Mukti girls who have grown and started their own ministries? What about the tailoring classes offered to girls and women in the community? How about children adopted from Mukti? What about the mobile health clinic and Mukti Hospital?
Then, too, we cannot forget the terrible famine that occurred in India early in Mukti Mission history! During that period, over two thousand women and children lived in Mukti.
So what number can we project?
Conservatively, we can project that over 100,000 women and children have been given hope, healing, and life by Mukti Mission over its history. The outreach into communities in India and globally has impacted countless more.

We know that Pandita Ramabai was a visionary, and through this one woman, who was a spiritual dynamo, countless thousands were saved from trauma, sickness, scorn, and poverty. By God’s grace and sovereignty, His work of rescue continues today!