Resident Stories
Who Is It?

Who Is It?

I longed to know my roots.

Being an orphan and growing up in a children’s home I longed to know where I had been born. I wanted to find my biological parents. I also did not know how I came to Mukti Mission. I was only told that I had a brother, my only relative. He lived in another orphanage not too far away. We did see each other but I always longed to know my parents and where was I born. I also had a very strong desire to know the religion of my ancestors.

My search was in vain.

I am grateful to the Mission who have given me a good upbringing and for the education I earned. I appeared for my final M.A. exams in Library Science and there was every indication that I would be able to secure a good job. However, deep down inside of me, I was still searching; searching for inner peace. I read the Koran (the holy book of the Muslims). I read the Bhagwat Gita (the holy book of the Hindus). But they only highlighted the struggles I felt more and more. There was a lot of friction with my friends over many religious issues. One night very frustrated and with a disturbed mind, I thought I would sort it all out later.

I went to bed.

As I lay in bed, I had a special encounter with someone I hadn’t dreamed about. During a long silence, I heard a phone ring. “Who is it?” I wondered. Was I dreaming? It was a very unusual voice so I listened closely.

The voice said, “Call upon me and I will answer you, and show you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Please call me back. My phone number is: Jeremiah 33:3.”

That was a very strange phone number I thought. As I tried to reply, the very audible voice said: “Abide in me and I will abide in you.”

“Who are you and why are you calling me of all the people in the world?” I saw a light that was so bright that I could hardly look at it. My eyes blinked and blinked.

Then I recalled that I had heard of this Jesus and His saving power but had forgotten about Him. Now everything made sense and I put the pieces together.

I knelt on the floor. I felt ashamed of myself. I felt I was the biggest sinner in the world, but at the same time, I felt honored that the Maker of the Universe would come down and pick me up. I gave my life to Jesus and He came into my life. Being an orphan I cannot express how my emptiness was filled up. Now I am complete – forgiven and made whole again.

*Name withheld for privacy and security. Images representative.

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